Линия розлива молочной продукции
Технологии фильтрации MILKFOR

Filters for Dairy Plants

Core problems in milk processing

Низкое качество сборного молока на приемке
Осадок в готовой продукции на полках магазинов
Снижение качества и прибыли от реализации
and their effects
95% of milk sourced by milk processing plants has increased somatic cell and bacterial counts along with mechanical impurities.
Poor milk quality at dairy plants
As a result, finished product may contain protein sediment, clots, burned particles, suspended solids, and other minor contaminants.
equipment rapid wear and breakdowns
Effects of using poor-quality milk
incorrect functioning of starter cultures in fermented milk products
protein sediment and suspended solids in end products
poor product competitiveness due to substandard quality resulting in lower product price
Effects of milk processing without filtration
Returns of unsold products from retailers
Loss of reputation and profits
increased repair and maintenance costs
organoleptic defects in finished dairy products

There is a solution — using MILKFOR filters to purify milk

Системы фильтрации для молокоперерабатывающих предприятий
Enhanced manufacturing process: Reducing impurities and contaminants in milk results in a consistent and high-quality product.
Milk freshness long-term retention. By removing contaminants, we ensure freshness and durability.
Product safety guarantee. Using filters lowers the possibility of contaminants, bacteria and other microorganisms in milk.
Enhanced flavor. By removing unwanted contaminants, filtration enhances the flavor and aroma of your dairy products.
Lower repair and maintenance costs.
Filtration systems guarantee that your production line will run continuously and without downtime.
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Systems for MILKFOR can be deployed at various phases of production

Приемка молока
Milk acceptance
пастеризация молока
Milk pasteurization
Восстановление сухого молока
Milk powder reconstitution
Сгущение нормализованного молока
Standardized milk condensing
Наведение сахарного сиропа
Sugar syrup
Использование сырног рассола
Brine regeneration
Линия розлива готовой молочной продукции
Sweetened condensed milk
Sour cream
Milk powder
Cottage cheese
Fermented baked milk
Ice cream
Butter and ghee
And many more
High level of purification, safety assurance, and excellent output quality
Remove burned particles and denatured protein after pasteurization
Remove burned particles and denatured protein after standardization
Remove crystallized sugar and black speckles
Purify brine from curds, protein compounds, salt deposits, and other impurities
Homogeneous products free from clots and other organoleptic defects
Remove insoluble clots, burned particles, and impurities after reconstitution
Removal of minor impurities and protein sediment; prevent sediment in finished products
Removal of burned particles, crystallized sugar, and other impurities to achieve homogeneous and clot-free products
Homogeneous products free from clots and other organoleptic defects
Homogeneous products free from clots and other organoleptic defects; starter culture support
Removal of burned particles and impurities after condensing and before dehydration
Removal of curds, protein compounds, and salt deposits from brine; brine regeneration for reuse
Starter culture support; finished products free from organoleptic defects
Homogeneous products free from clots and other organoleptic defects; starter culture support
Homogeneous products free from clots and other organoleptic defects; starter culture support
Removal of additives and impurities for obtaining better-quality finished product; remove protein sediment and butter granules from buttermilk
Homogeneous products free from clots and other organoleptic defects; starter culture support
More homogeneous mixture free from clots and curds
Removal of minor impurities and protein sediment

Milk Processing Filter Lines

Фильтры MILKFOR на приёмку молока
MILKFOR Milk Reception Filters
Система фильтрации MILKFOR-Каскад
MILKFOR Slotted Filter
Щелевой фильтр MILKFOR
MILKFOR Parallel System
MILKFOR Cascade System
Система фильтрации MILKFOR-Параллель
Pre-cleaning from larger mechanical impurities at any stage.
Provides continuous operation at any stage of processing.
Provides multi-level cleaning at any stage of processing.
Better-quality milk for further processing.
Фильтры MILKFOR на восстановление сухого молока
MILKFOR Reconstituted Milk Filters
Фильтры MILKFOR для сырного рассола
MILKFOR High-Temperature Filters
Высокотемпературные фильтры MILKFOR после пастеризации
MILKFOR Packaging Line Filters
MILKFOR Brine Filters
Фильтры MILKFOR для готовой молочной продукции
Remove burned particles and denatured protein. Withstand temperatures up to 140°C.
Guarantee that products are homogeneous and free from clots and other organoleptic defects.
Remove curds, salt deposits, and other impurities. Facilitate brine regeneration.
Remove insoluble clots, burned particles, and impurities after reconstitution.
MILKFOR Filter Housings
Корпусы для фильтров MILKFOR
AQUADAR Water Filters
Фильтры AQUADAR для воды
Up to 100-ton capacity
Remove impurities from wash water

Why do dairy producers

Широкий перечень расходных товаров
MILKFOR filters may be easily fitted at any stage of milk processing, and they are certified to be safe for use in the food industry
Сертифицировано Роспотребнадзор
Все фильтры абсолютно стерильны
Up-to-date product range
Save time by purchasing all consumables for your business at once in one location
Производятся из первичного пищевого полипропилена
Rospotrebnadzor Certificate
All our products comply with the Unified Sanitary, Epidemiological, and Hygienic Requirements and are safe for use in the food industry.
All our filters are absolutely sterile
The report from the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology confirms that our filters can even be used for aseptic bottling.
Пожизненная гарантия на корпусы MILKFOR
High-quality primary raw materials
We use only primary food-grade polypropylene and stainless steel.
Строгий контроль качества готовой продукции
В наличии на складе
choose MILKFOR technologies?
Разрабатываем индивидуальные решения фильтрации
Lifetime warranty on housings
MILKFOR housings are made of food-grade stainless steel. They are resistant to corrosion and strong detergents.
Применяем комплексный подход к работе
4-step quality assurance
Every procedure we use is standardized. Every output unit is examined.
Shipment on the day of payment
Our warehouse stocks a full range of our series standard filters for dairy farms.
Filtration solutions tailored to your needs
We create solutions with your unique requirements and parameters in mind.
Holistic approach
We conduct audits and create all-encompassing strategies to deal with issues related to microbiological purity in production facilities.
Results delivered by
MILKFOR technologies
The largest agricultural holding in southern Russia
We source milk filters from your company. Our experts considered your products to be very advanced and convenient for filtering milk, so we chose to use them.
Out of all the options and substitutes currently available on the market, your filters represent a novel solution distinguished by their excellent quality, compact design, performance, affordability, and cost-effectiveness.
This is an important set of properties for any product. Thus, we installed your antimicrobial filter in the ice cream and cheese production line as part of our retrofitting program.
The filter functions perfectly. We use it as our only filtering agent and are delighted with the final milk’s quality. We’ll be sure to keep an eye on your next developments.
FoodMaster Dairy Plant
Leader in Kazakhstan’s dairy market
The FoodMaster plant in Issyk city receives milk from both its own farms and collecting depots. Impurities, somatic cell count, and total bacterial count can all vary in bulk milk. Such raw milk could lead to rejected or low-quality dairy products if it isn't properly purified. To improve the quality of raw milk at reception, we integrated a two-stage MILKFOR purifying system. Initially, a strainer removes large mechanical impurities from milk, hence prolonging the lifespan of the polypropylene filter. The second step employs MILKFOR Ag+, a fine polypropylene filter containing silver ions with a capacity of up to 100 tons. It finely purifies milk while limiting the growth of bacteria. MILKFOR products demonstrated excellent filtration performance at the FoodMaster plant in Issyk, so we decided to install MILKFOR filters in other FoodMaster facilities as well. We would like to thank MILKFOR for helping raise the standard of dairy products in Kazakhstan.
ZAO Volokonovsky Molochnokonservny Kombinat
Canned condensed milk, butter, and whole milk products
We engaged MILKFOR to help us with a crucial assignment: remove burnt coagulated protein and burnt particles from our condensed milk after pasteurization.
We were really satisfied with our collaboration with MILKFOR because, together, we were able to address the issue at a high professional level. The equipment proved to be really effective. MILKFOR filters reduced final product rejections owing to uneven consistency, increasing profits from the sale of high-quality condensed milk.
On a side note, we’d like to mention that MILKFOR’s managers are real experts in milk processing and filtering. They assisted us in selecting filtering equipment that met our needs. We appreciate MILKFOR’s professional attitude and assistance in raising the quality of our condensed milk.
Vokhomsky Cheese Factory, LLC
Traditional cheeses
Cheese salting is a crucial step in cheese production. Soaking cheese in brine is one method to do it. However, with continuous usage, brine accumulates suspended particles and dangerous microorganisms, greatly reducing the quality of the end product.
To resolve this issue, we consulted MILKFOR experts. Brine regeneration with MILKFOR filters solved the problem with ease. The brine after filtration is free of cheese grains, salt deposits, and other contaminants, making it ideal for reuse.This resulted in considerable time and cost savings because we no longer needed to prepare new brine for each batch.
We are grateful to MILKFOR for their professional approach to overcoming complicated problems.
Dairy product manufacturing
Our commitment to producing high-quality products is the cornerstone of our manufacturing philosophy. As a result, we rigorously monitor milk quality throughout the entire process. With the use of MILKFOR filters, we can continually maintain excellent quality and prevent contamination of final dairy products.

We use MILKFOR filters at several stages.
First and foremost, we use them to maintain consistent raw milk quality at reception. Farms produce milk of varying quality, therefore it is critical that we clean it at this stage. Filters have a capacity of 40 to 50 tons per line and may contain all contaminants such as straw, wool, insects, etc. Thus, filters reduce total bacterial and somatic cell counts.
We have MILKFOR filters fitted on our cream production line. They keep burned particles and tiny bits of rubber produced by rubber seal wear in the plate heat exchanger out of the final product.
MILKFOR filters are installed on the pasteurized milk production line after the heat exchanger, before the intermediate tanks, and right before packaging. They retain minor impurities, burned particles, sediment, and tiny bits of rubber from seals.
Additionally, filters function as an indication, enabling us to keep an eye on the state of our machinery and determine when the seals need to be replaced.
We are completely delighted with MILKFOR. Thank you for your innovative solutions for milk processors!
Vasyurinsky Meat Processing Plant
Use milk to produce meat products
Our raw milk reception line features a filter that ensures that the milk stays free from impurities from the milk pipeline.Despite the implementation of all hygienic procedures and the disinfection of the milk pipeline, there is always a possibility of milk contamination by foreign finely dispersed pollutants from the pipeline.
The filter’s fine cleansing and antibacterial qualities keep milk pure, extending the product’s antimicrobial activity. We employ your filter to safeguard and ensure the superior quality of our products. The MILKFOR filter works flawlessly.
We’d also like to highlight the excellent level of qualification of your consulting managers, who are always able to provide the information we need. We truly like their attentive yet inconspicuous monitoring of filter use, which ensures that your deliveries are timely and without failure.
Agrofirma Tau
Production of fermented dairy products in Aktobe region
At Agrofirma Tau, we produce dairy products, including pasteurized milk.
To enhance the quality of our bottled milk, we installed MILKFOR polypropylene filters at two levels: after milk powder reconstitution and right before bottling. The first stage yields burnt particles and impurities. Ten to twelve hours after bottling, a sediment forms at the bottom of a transparent bottle. Typically, people are unwilling to purchase such milk.
At the second stage, MILKFOR filters ensure that the final product is free of any mechanical contaminants.
Thus, MILKFOR polypropylene filters enhance the quality of pasteurized milk while guarding us from faults in finished products.
We appreciate MILKFOR’s support and efficient response.
JSC Zelenogradskoye
Milk and dairy production
Zelenogradskoye breeds milk cows and processes whole milk to make a variety of products. Our products are distributed to schools, kindergartens, and hospitals, as well as retailers. We pay close attention to the quality and conformity of our products to all applicable standards.
We have MILKFOR filters installed on both the farm and the production line at reception. We filter the milk at the farm to remove any potential contaminants. This reduces total bacterial count, prolongs shelf life, and improves organoleptic properties. Filters at reception ensure that the milk remains impurity-free after it has been transferred. This keeps our machinery from breaking down and enhances the milk’s quality for further processing.
MILKFOR has been our partner since 2017. The company creates effective solutions for milk processors and helps them produce high-quality dairy products. We are grateful for their professional approach and practical solutions implemented in the dairy industry.
ZAO Volokolamsky Dairy Plant
Fermented dairy product manufacturing
MILKFOR filters are commonly used at the Volokolamsky Dairy Plant for milk purifying purposes.
We were incredibly intrigued by your company’s offer to test new antibacterial filters with silver ions.
We conducted several parallel investigations on the quality of raw materials that went through conventional and antimicrobial filters. The results demonstrate that silver ion filters are far more effective than traditional filters, and the milk shows a notable reduction in bacterial contamination.
Our milk is now purified only with MILKFOR silver ion filters, and this has improved the quality of both the raw ingredients and the final products..
We appreciate your entire staff for producing such excellent goods.
Noviye Tekhnologii, LLC
Dairy Plant
We produce a wide range of dairy products, including condensed milk, which contains simple syrup. Sugar, however, may vary in quality and contain impurities that seep into the syrup and the final product leading to product rejections due to poor organoleptic qualities of condensed milk.
To reduce rejections and improve product quality, we installed MILKFOR high-temperature filters, which can withstand temperatures up to 130°C without deforming or breaking. This is what sets them apart from traditional polypropylene filters. Furthermore, they filter out any particles larger than 15 microns, removing all contaminants and impurities.
We appreciate Milkfor’s innovative technologies and the opportunity to increase the quality of every liquid ingredient in condensed milk at any temperature.
Aksayskoe Moloko Plus, LLC
Milk Processor in the Rostov Region
We'd like to thank you for the efficient MILKFOR Fine Milk Filter for cold milk. This is the perfect solution for our company’s needs! In addition to its remarkable mechanical cleaning properties, the filter can purify cold milk, which we were concerned about due to the fat content. Your experts, however, had engineered a specialized solution, allowing us to filter cold milk regardless of fat level and achieve assured excellent outcomes. We are especially grateful to your highly qualified sales team, who provided us with comprehensive advice on cold milk filtering and a solution that we have been utilizing with great success ever since.
We will be delighted to continue working with your organization, as our supplier selection process was thorough and lengthy. After all, your company is the only one among all vendors that offers such a diverse range of filters capable of addressing any raw milk quality concern.
Detskoselsky Concern
Ranked among Russia’s top 300 agricultural companies
Our companies use state-of-the-art machinery and multi-stage quality control because all the milk we produce is then sent to DANONE’s processing plants.
MILKFOR was assigned the task of lowering the somatic cell count in our milk from 3*10⁵ cells/cm³ to 2*10⁵ cells/cm³ and maintaining this count going forward.
MILKFOR provided a solution, MILKFOR Somatic Filters, which were tested on our AO Plemzavod Agro-Balt farm, while the three-stage indicator control was performed in our own Agro-Balt laboratory, an independent TEST-St.Petersburg laboratory, as well as DANONE’s laboratory.
The tests revealed that the somatic cell count in milk was reduced by an average of 30%, and the raw milk after filtration met European milk quality standards. Not only did the somatic cell count decrease, but other metrics including mechanical contamination and total bacterial count also showed notable improvements.
MILKFOR Somatic filters performed admirably and proved to be a reliable tool for guaranteeing the superior quality of milk. We would like to thank MILKFOR for their cooperation and the efficient resolution of our challenges!
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Our filtration equipment design engineers get applications on a daily basis. They will visit your site to thoroughly inspect your processes and provide appropriate turnkey solutions.
Toll-free number
111 prospekt Truda,
394026 Voronezh, Russia
© MILKFOR LLC, 2006-2024
The information posted on this site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a public offer.
Get a free consultation
Our filtration equipment design engineers get applications on a daily basis. They will visit your site to thoroughly inspect your processes and provide appropriate turnkey solutions.
Toll-free number
111 prospekt Truda,
394026 Voronezh, Russia
© MILKFOR LLC, 2006-2024
The information posted on this site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a public offer.