Initial efforts to create a fine milk filter prototype
The MILKFOR fine milk filter undergoes its first successful laboratory tests, and mass manufacturing begins
We obtain the first patent for the serial model of the fine milk filter
Launch of mass production of chilled milk, condensed milk, whey, and brine filters
First gold medal at the International Exhibition of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture
MILKFOR trademark registration
Expending into the Belorussian market
MILKFOR Ag+ silver ion antibacterial filter line patent and serial launch
Official registration of products and Rospotrebnadzor’s report on the safety of MILKFOR products for the food industry
Expanding into markets in Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Mongolia, and Tajikistan
Entering RUSNANO’s Database of nano-technologies companies
Expanding into markets in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Launch of MILKFOR Slotted Filter mass production
MILKFOR Ag+ fine milk filter with silver ions recognized as the best product at AGROFARM EXPO
MILKFOR-Parallel and MILKFOR-Cascade filtration systems appear
Chilled milk filter recognized as the best product at AGROFARM EXPO
Expending into the Turkish market
The MILKFOR PARALLEL filtration system wins its first silver medal
Changing company name from GARANT to MILKFOR
Expending into markets in China, India, and the Balkans
The MILKFOR Slotted Filter wins its first gold medal in the Best Equipment category at AGROPRODMASH EXPO
Business Success Award as the Best Exporter of the Voronezh Region
The MILKFOR whey filter wins a gold star from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and Rosselkhoznadzor as the Best Innovative Solution
Launch of MILKFOR Somatic Filter mass production
Expending into the French market
Launch of MILKFOR High-Temperature Filter mass production
MILKFOR Somatic Filter recognized as the best product at Agros Expo 2021
Launch of MF Petrol Filter mass production
Increasing the production area up to 1,000 square meters
Rebranding. New trademark registered
Range expansion through the inclusion of a wide selection of dairy farming items
Launch of mass production of MILKFOR JUICE pulp-free juice filters, BEEREX beer and kvass wort filters, as well as AIRFOR air and gas filters
Golden Autumn Award for the most innovative development in the dairy farming business
Over 300 audits conducted; a comprehensive approach to microbiological purity rolled out